Saturday, June 23, 2012

Chicago Trip 2012 - Day 3, Part 4

Because that's how it happened - after the museum we said "Now is the start of the fourth part of the third day...."

I hope you don't actually believe that.

Here's what happened next:

I didn't think a caption was needed on that photo because it seemed pretty self-explanatory:  It's a giant square fountain with a video wall that displays faces of Chicagoans who every now and then will pucker up and spit streams of water on the city's children.  Meh, I have one of these in my backyard - show me something creative, dammit.

Really very cool, and very popular on such a hot day.  Two fountains face each other across the plaza where a shallow pool of water forms.  Videos of different Chicago citizens are projected on the fountains.  Water streams down all sides of the fountains, and then every now and then the face on the screen will pucker and a stream of water shoots out of the mouth on the delighted kids.

Another building across from the park.  The afternoon has grown long.
After watching the spitting fountains we walked a block over to the Bean, which is actually named Cloud Gate.

Ooh, shiny!

"Self portrait with Cloud Gate, strangers and bird droppings"
We were both pretty worn down by this point, so we walked across the street and got a Jamba Juice to cool down.  I had a power-sized watermelon splash with coconut water.  It was really good, but I don't think they have them here by us.  I'll have to check.

We decided to walk back to the hotel.  Here's the last photo of the day:

We showered and relaxed/recovered at the hotel until 9 o'clock, then we went a couple of blocks to get yogurt at Forever Yogurt.  What could be better than half cookies and cream and half watermelon sorbet?  Then it was back to the hotel for the night.

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