Monday, September 30, 2019

Camping At Big Bend National Park 2019 - Day 3, Part 2: Second Hike

Todd was up when I got back to camp so we made breakfast on the stove (sandwiches with english muffin, scrambled egg, cheese and Canadian bacon - homemade egg McMuffins).  Afterwards we cleaned up, filled up our water bottles and drove to the Lost Mine Trail trailhead.

The view from the trailhead parking lot
Gaining elevation
Looking back at the road.  You can see the curve to the right, then it curves to the left behind the mountain - the trailhead is just on the other side.
There's a road runner on the rocks behind the tall tufts of grass(?) near the center.  We saw several on the hike, but they weren't very cooperative for pictures.  meep meep!
Nearing a plateau...
...nope, not yet.  More climbing.
A couple more scrambles up and down rocks and we're near the end
It's a long way down
Beautiful view
Huge rock formations

Todd and I and the German girl.  We said hello and exchanged pleasantries.  She was wearing a black(!) long sleeved shirt but I felt bad for her because she was pale and didn't appear to have put any sunscreen on the backs of her legs.  I think she was going to have some regrets later.
I didn't take any chances and am ghostly white due to a slathering of SPF 100 sunscreen.
It's time to head back

Uphill both ways

Go Todd! 

There's the road again, and beyond it our campground

Looking back and up as we descend.  The trail comes up beside that rock and continues on behind it.
Looking at the same spot from lower down
And lower still
Ah, nature
I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
Desert Rose by Sting
Satisfied with our hike, we headed back to camp.  More to come.

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