Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I Had A Dream

I had too much to dream last night. From an art project for economics, to an accidental break in of a grocery store, then trying to buy a birthday cake, driving the sheriff around, driving through a restaurant, going down a special elevator for cars that the restaurant had for some reason where you sit in your car while the machine wraps it in metal, upends it, and takes it down several stories head first, then the process leaves the car frozen but driveable so you have to be really careful with it, then I hit it too hard on the ground and it got out of shape, then I decided it would be my third art project, so I stretched it and inflated it until looked like a floppy orange ball with udders, then I somehow ran into a team of oddballs who did a tv show to evaluate and value oddball stuff, and they convinced me to be on their show, then we were at their compound about to start the taping when I was trying to confess that I don't watch their show and for them not to assume I knew what was supposed to happen next, then I woke up. And those are just the highlights of the dream. I'm tired now.

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