Saturday, October 24, 2020

Super-spreader, Denier, Pants-On-Fire Liar, Pt 2

At today’s rally in North Carolina:

"You know why we have cases? Because we test so much. And in many ways it's good, and in many ways it's foolish."


"Turn on television, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID. A plane goes down, 500 people dead, they don't talk about it. COVID, COVID, COVID. COVID. By the way, on November 4th you won't hear about it anymore." (A plane crash killing 500 didn't happen.)

It should also be noted that the equivalent of about two of those plane crashes are happening *every day in the United States*, so it would stand to reason that COVID and the people who have died from it are worth covering.

Also, if 500 people died in a plane crash yesterday, that would be 425 fewer people than the 925 people who died from COVID-19 yesterday.

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