Friday, August 28, 2020

7 Takeaways From The RNC

So at least that’s over. Trump alone made at least 20 false or misleading statements in a speech at the circus at the White House last night, and let’s face it - it was a circus.  Aside from the serial lying and hypocrisy, Trump and the Republicans who support him would have you believe that they’re not currently in power - that he hasn’t been president for the last 3 1/2 years, or that they haven’t controlled the senate for the last 5 years.  They would have you believe that Joe Biden is a far-left extremist who will destroy the country if elected - that there would be rioting, massive deaths from coronavirus, and much worse  

But we already have rioting, massive (preventable) deaths from coronavirus, and much, much worse, all of which have happened on Trump and the Republicans watch.  They promise of “I alone can fix it” if re-elected is bullshit.  If we had a competent leader and a responsible governing body they would have already strived to “fix it” or better yet prevent “it” or mitigate it in the first place.

Obviously the Trump they’re trying so desperately to sell is not the same Trump that Americans have seen with their own eyes, heard with their own ears, during his term and before.  The real Trump presents himself to us daily, yet he and his supporters (and Fox and OAN and other propaganda outlets) continue to tell us not to believe what we see and hear, but to believe what they tell us to believe.  Now they want us to believe that only Trump can save America - from the Trump’s America that it currently is.

We’ve gone far beyond mere politics.

7 Takeaways from the Republican National Convention, from NPR

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