Monday, June 13, 2016

Thoughts And Prayers Are Not Enough

In the wake of Sunday morning's massacre, it's unconscionable that the conservative and religious right are offering "thoughts and prayers" for the victims and their families, after their history (particularly in recent years) of denying and decrying that ALL Americans have equal worth and value.

It's unfathomable that they would not expect their continued villainization of gays, lesbians and transgendered as less than - as something to be feared, as something dangerous, as a group to deny or take away civil rights afforded to ALL Americans - that they would think that their fervent rhetoric and efforts would not lead to an outcome such as Sunday's mass murder.  When you constantly advocate that a group of people is not worth equal rights and the protections afforded by those rights, then extreme people will follow that to an extreme conclusion.

Instead of denying and taking away rights, our politicians and elected officials need focus on running the country and protecting the rights and freedoms of ALL Americans.  Our great nation is comprised of Christians, Atheists, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Agnostics, Wiccans, blacks, whites, Asians, hispanics, straights, gays, transgendered, left-handed, right-handed, blondes, brunettes, redheads, immigrants, native americans and on and on.

The Atheist doesn't have all the same beliefs as the Christian; the Asian man may have different experiences and beliefs than the black man, and on and on.  Our government at every level must govern for ALL.

Our separation of church and state means it is no longer acceptable for the conservative right (mostly) to attempt to deny or take away rights or protections based on their personal evangelical beliefs.  Lest they forget, we do not live under one national religion - the very first line of the 1st Amendment states:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...  Like it or not, many different faiths and non-faiths make up this country.  Therefore we are governed by laws - not the Bible, or the Talmud, or the Quran, or what one particular religion believes is a sin.

Of course gays and lesbians are angry; to think we would be anything but is again unconscionable.  You cannot vehemently attempt to deny or take away equal civil rights and protections for decades, constantly demeaning and stirring up negativity and hate towards a group of people for decades, then expect that thoughts and prayers will comfort or make a difference when it finally bubbles over into tragedy.

Actions speak louder than words.  Take action to protect the rights and dignities of ALL Americans equally - then hopefully we can work together toward a time when there won't be a need for thoughts and prayers in the future.  Or if there is a need, then at least the sentiment will at that time be both sincere, appropriate, and appreciated.


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