Sunday, December 20, 2015

Busy Sunday

Put in 4 hours at the office,

It helps that it's a winter wonderland - thanks to Kylee!
Don't think we'll get any real ones of these this Christmas

Then went home, got the mail, paid bills, then got out again and did some Christmas shopping, then lunch with this interesting person:

My what big eyes you have...
Oh, it's Todd!
Then some more shopping, then dropped Todd off and did some Secret Santa shopping for work, then to Target because I ran out of these delicious things:

Please make these available year-round

Then back home to wrap everything and do laundry, and laundry, and more laundry, then crashed on the couch with the tv for the rest of the evening watching I don't even know what.

Got a lot accomplished, but I'm utterly knackered.  Heading to bed.  Have a good night.

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